Title: They are No Calculator

In life, we forget that our government is not a machine.
They are human just like you and me. They can feel hungry whenever they skipped
their lunch. Disappointed when nothings right. Feel happy when they help
others. Hurt when they hear upsetting comments about them. Sad when they see
sufferings. And tired seeing our country’s still the same.
Our government is doing their job to their countrymen to serve
and give satisfaction. But then, you cannot always please others. As we all
know, we are facing a lot of issues, troubles and circumstances. And the government
always looks for answers. So, why do we need to question their integrity?
They are
just only human. All we can do is to help the government not just by ranting
and giving negative remarks to them. Not just sitting and talking. We voted
them because we trust them. We voted them because we believed on them. So why
bother questioning them? In the first place we chose them, it is our free will.
Instead of giving negative comments look on the positive side. Our government needs
us too. Without us, our country will not be productive. Just like a calculator,
it has an equal sign. Equal because they need us, and we need them. We should
know how and when to stop. It is a give and take relationship.
Our government officials are not a calculator.
We vote them because we saw a potential to them. We vote them because they are there to guide our
country, not to spoil everyone. We must always keep in mind that nothing is
easy because there s no such thing as easy. We always need to work hard for everything.
And if they make mistakes, remember “NO ONE IS PERFECT” even you. So don’t judge
so others won’t judge you.
We cannot
just click and click in a calculator because it has a limitation for solving
the problem. If your problem is complicated then it will become a Syntax Error.
It is like our problem, we cannot just throw our problem in our government
because we cannot solve our own. You start it, you end it. Sometimes, we forget
to click equal that’s why we cannot see the answers. And sometimes we are the
problem that’s why we cannot solve our own problem.
I am not saying this because I don’t have
problem but I’m telling you this as an eye opener for everyone. I am not
perfect too. I make mistakes. I have problems. But I know God will not give us
the problems that he knows we cannot give solution. And I believe that someday,
in the future, our country will not be the same. I can vision our country as a productive
one. And I know with the help of Him we will succeed.
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