Linggo, Pebrero 15, 2015

#Why I'm SINGLE?

Genre: Trend News
Title: #Why I'm Single

  You must be wondering why my genre is so not connected to my title which is #Why I'm Single. This is the real catch of my blog. And you have to find out for yourself.
         When I searched the trend news in my gmail account the results are, of course, the usual. The things that happened and happening all around the world. To tell you the truth, I'm not a fan of it. I mean, I do not fancy reading a newspaper or watching news in our television. For me, no offense, it is boring. As in HELLO! I am a teenager. What do you think a teenager like me likes to do? We mostly prefer to watch English movies, to hear music from our iPods or from our radio and to read a Wattpad or romantic books rather than reading a newspaper or perhaps, hanging with my friends. That's what we like to do.
        So I do what I think what's best. I went to my twitter account and this question really catches my attention. It's in the trend list. I guess this is trending for single girls, not only for them it's for everybody, who thinks they are single. A question that makes me think even though I've been avoiding this question for a decade.
       Some says the reason why they are single is because they are busy, they like the person does not like them back, they are waiting for their destiny, their priority is their studies, they are not yet ready, they said God has a plan He is for them or making or writing their love story a happy one. Everyone has their own opinion. Different answers in one question.
        What if someone asks me the same question? Maybe I'll tell them that I am single because I am scared. I am scared to be hurt. I am scared to fall, but no one will catch me in the end. I am scared to leave behind. We are just human. We can sometimes be scared, angry for some point, ashamed when you think you make stupid, and everything.
         But at the end of the day, I asked myself again. And again. Am I really SINGLE? As in single? Then I realized, no, I am not single. Why? Because I'm with my family who always guides me, lifts me up from my mistakes, and tells me it's all right. I have my friends with me who make me laugh and laughs at my jokes crazy. I have my classmates who always asks the same question but I love them just the same. And I have God in my heart who will always tap my shoulder to move forward. That makes me NOT a single person. And THAT makes you not a single person too.

         We are not single as long as we are surrounded with these people who love us. We are never to be a single person unless we put a wall between them. Remember, He will never forsake us.      

2 komento:

  1. haha. Nice Title. I agreed that is it a latest news/trends in this world, because some people seeking partner in life? without thinking that God will provide that in a right place and time. A lot of people hurts in that word LOVE. Why? I think it is because they are disobeying Gods simple instruction " WAIT FOR THE RIGHT TIME". CONGRATS. Your a good blogger :)

  2. Ahaha. And you are a good commenter . and you know how to blush a girl. Thank you again.
