Lunes, Pebrero 23, 2015

dancing is my PASSION

Genre: Experiences in UDay of QCPU
Title: Dancing is My Passion

        University Day was the day that I’ve been waiting for. Not because I’ll saw new people or there would be some GUYS on that event. But we have surprise or let’s call it a MOB.
        Before the said event the CAA Dance, practiced to give enjoyment for the other student. Well, it is also a part of our activities on our NSTP.
        For others, dancing might be just DANCING. I mean, they are just dancing because they have to or they are dancing because they needed to. But for me, for us, we are dancing because this is our passion. This is what we like to do if we have vacant time. This is what we have in common that’s why we are sticking to each other. This is the reason why we can understand each other. It is because we have the same passion. I am dancing because God gave this talent for me not to be hidden but to show how great He is to give this kind of talent.
       At the day of our University day, no one is expecting that we are going to do such a thing. My co-dancers prepared our speaker then BANG everyone is looking at us. It is amazing. It is overwhelming. Performing in public, performing at crowd places is unforgettable. I mean everyone is looking at us. I saw that they are enjoying our performance. I saw in their eyes the contentment. And I can feel that all the sacrifices are worth it.
       But at the end of the day, we need to remember one thing: We are not performing for them BUT we are performing to give thanks to the Lord. Why? God gave us this talent not to boast it. He did not give this talent to compare it to others. But He gave it to give glorify for Him. He gave it; we will give it back to Him. In everything you will do or you are doing make sure in that simple way we can give thanks to Him. We put Him first in everything we are about to do in the future. Because He is watching.
         As the quote says,” Live for a CAUSE not for APPLAUSE”. Get the point? We are not living just because we wanted to get applause to others or to be praised by them. Because when they got home they won’t remember you, even your name. But if you do it for God, He will always remember you as you remember Him.

        Talents are temporary. Fame is temporary. Money is temporary. Everything in this world is temporary, so why bother treasuring it if it’s not permanent? Why do you keep on making things that in the end you cannot bring it in your next life? Why do you keep on making things that in the end you were not the one who will use it? Why not live for a cause? Why not live for God? Can you do that? Can we give everything to Him? If we do, then all the sacrifices we done in this world will never are USELESS.

501 must-visit destinations

Genre: Travel and Tours
Title: 501 must-visit destinations

        The Great Wall of China, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the great man-made wonders of the world, lies like a gigantic dragon, stretching up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains. At more than 2,000 years old, some sections of the Great Wall are understandably in ruins or have disappeared, but it remains one of the most incredible feats of man and its architectural grandeur and historical significance are breathtaking.
          I must say this man-made creation is out of this world. It is one of the greatest man-made wonders of the world. How big is it? The book says the wall covers more than 6,700 km (4,163 mi) from east to west China. And more than 1,800 years they built it. For me it’s incredibly amazing.
         When I was a kid, I used to speculate things. I used to imagine myself touring the whole world.  I used to feel things. So when I first saw the Great Wall on our television it really amazed me. It took my breath away. And it made me think or it made me to question their purpose on why they built it. Then, I have this imagination that maybe they built it so that they can protect their country to those zombie people. You know like, if ever there would be some disease and it is contagious then Chinese people can protect themselves or they can separate the normal people from zombie. Oh well, that’s what a child likes to do. Imagine things where, they are the hero. But I just found out that it is believed that it was originally intended as military fortification against intrusion from the north , but over time grew to become not only a symbol of defense, but also of the great power of the emperor. So it proves that I’m wrong in telling that they built it because of zombie but they built it to symbolize power, which in the old time if you have power, you are GREAT.
          To the uninformed tourist, the wall is just a majestic crumbling feat of man. When taking the strenuous hike through the various sections, it is difficult to comprehend how many men have taken to build this massive structure and how the enormous quantities of stones must have been transported here. Looking out over the spectacular emerald hills and valleys you can sense the history and understand what effort and sacrifice must have taken place to enable the construction of such a massive undertaking.
          If you want to go here like I wanted so badly, it says head 60 km (37 mi) north of Beijing to the Huanghua (Yellow Flower Fortress) section of the wall where there are fewer tourists. But of course, you still need money for you to go there. And since, I cannot afford it at the moment; I needed to imagine things first. Anyway it’s FREE. Although, it is truly one of the most memorable experiences that you will ever have. So come on now, Lets Imagine. I mean let’s see if I am telling the truth.

                                                                                                   from:501 must-visit destinations

Lunes, Pebrero 16, 2015

Words That Stick

 Genre: Books/Movies
Title: Words That Stick

      If you hate to write, this book is for you.
      Right up front, I’m going to admit three things:
1.       I was a semi-lousy student, but learning how to write saved my academic life.
2.       A lot of people say writing is hard. No. Writing is EASY. Singing a solo when you’ve forgotten the words is hard.
3.       Writing should be simple, like choosing a meal at a fast food restaurant.
The thing is I’m not a good writer or I hate to write. I just don’t like it. I think it’s not for me. But this book helps me to be a better writer. It shows me many things.
       Anyway, first you must attract a crowd or your readers. After that, you must keep them entertained long enough to implant ideas in their brain. In order to do that you must know first your readers or your listeners. It says he’ll need to know; the age, gender, Economic status, cultural background, political beliefs, degree of familiarity, expertise and audience aims. In writing an article we must remember that everyone can and will read it. We need to consider their feelings. We need to look in the inside of them. We need to look ourselves to them as a reader. What will be their reaction? What will be their first comment before and after they read your article?
        Why do we need to know all of these? It is because if we don’t know our readers or our audience, they might get hurt or they won’t read your article anymore. In the end, it will be a big disaster. So take note for that.
       Your first sentence or your first paragraph should have a catchy thing that will make your reader sit down on the tool and buy your book or your article. They don’t just look at it or glance at it. The power of the first sentence or two is simply this: It makes every reader ask “What happens next?” or say “Really? Tell me more about it.” It briefly explains what the rest of the article is all about. It all says that if your first paragraph does not convincingly lead to the next paragraph, it should be rewritten.
       I've always thought ending a story was like leaving a party. If I just grab a water or juice and walk out the door, people might wonder what happened. Was I upset? Was there an emergency?
       Therefore, I must first prepare to leave by excusing myself to them, thanking the celebrant and telling my friends goodbye. My exit, then, is part of a natural progression.
       Likewise, ending an article or a report or a theme should sound natural to the reader.  So, that, you can give satisfaction to them in the end. It is your main goal, to give satisfaction. So, that their money is worth it. Not only that, make sure they can relate to your topic. They can agree to you or maybe, disagree. It’s everybody’s commentary. And make sure your words are still in their mind and they still thinking about it.

Linggo, Pebrero 15, 2015

#Why I'm SINGLE?

Genre: Trend News
Title: #Why I'm Single

  You must be wondering why my genre is so not connected to my title which is #Why I'm Single. This is the real catch of my blog. And you have to find out for yourself.
         When I searched the trend news in my gmail account the results are, of course, the usual. The things that happened and happening all around the world. To tell you the truth, I'm not a fan of it. I mean, I do not fancy reading a newspaper or watching news in our television. For me, no offense, it is boring. As in HELLO! I am a teenager. What do you think a teenager like me likes to do? We mostly prefer to watch English movies, to hear music from our iPods or from our radio and to read a Wattpad or romantic books rather than reading a newspaper or perhaps, hanging with my friends. That's what we like to do.
        So I do what I think what's best. I went to my twitter account and this question really catches my attention. It's in the trend list. I guess this is trending for single girls, not only for them it's for everybody, who thinks they are single. A question that makes me think even though I've been avoiding this question for a decade.
       Some says the reason why they are single is because they are busy, they like the person does not like them back, they are waiting for their destiny, their priority is their studies, they are not yet ready, they said God has a plan He is for them or making or writing their love story a happy one. Everyone has their own opinion. Different answers in one question.
        What if someone asks me the same question? Maybe I'll tell them that I am single because I am scared. I am scared to be hurt. I am scared to fall, but no one will catch me in the end. I am scared to leave behind. We are just human. We can sometimes be scared, angry for some point, ashamed when you think you make stupid, and everything.
         But at the end of the day, I asked myself again. And again. Am I really SINGLE? As in single? Then I realized, no, I am not single. Why? Because I'm with my family who always guides me, lifts me up from my mistakes, and tells me it's all right. I have my friends with me who make me laugh and laughs at my jokes crazy. I have my classmates who always asks the same question but I love them just the same. And I have God in my heart who will always tap my shoulder to move forward. That makes me NOT a single person. And THAT makes you not a single person too.

         We are not single as long as we are surrounded with these people who love us. We are never to be a single person unless we put a wall between them. Remember, He will never forsake us.      

Lunes, Pebrero 9, 2015


Genre: Memoir
Tittle: Ohana

         Perfect family is what I wished for when I was a kid. Why? It was every child’s dream.
        A loving father who will protect me from bullying, who will give the things that I wanted the most, who will buy me a chocolate ice-cream with sprinkles, which will do everything to find a job for us. A caring mother who will always look after me, who I can rely my problems, who I can share my fears, who will make me stop from crying, who will read a bedtime stories, and who will give me a one peso if I fancy to buy a candy. Perfect families for a little princess like me.
        When I turned seven, I saw my classmates with their parents hand in hand. They were beaming with each other. They are laughing and giggling. I also saw her mother tickles her while waiting for their dad. In that moment, I wanted to grab my classmate’s hair but I did not. I wanted to steal her happiness. I wanted to feel that kind of feeling.
        One day, my teacher told us that we were having a PTA meeting and parents are required to attend the said event. At the day of the meeting, I was the only who doesn’t have. I felt betrayed. I felt so foolish. I started asking many questions. Is that too much to ask a perfect family? Is it too much?
        I searched myself. I really searched myself. Well that’s what I thought. But instead of searching myself, I searched God. He showed me everything. He experienced me how to be loved. He showed the things that I never appreciated. He showed me light. He gives me new hope to continue my journey in life. He gives me a reason to live. And He gives me a new family.
       They said there is always a rainbow after the rain. I thought I had a worse childhood. But it turns out a blessing. Why? Because I met Him and I learned. Those obstacles that I encountered make me stronger and a better person.
        And now, I am living with 45 children in a house with 9 nanay(mother) and 4 tatay(father). He gives me more than a little princess would dream of.  Then I thought this family is not perfect. Sometimes we argued in little things. We laughed even nothing is funny. We bullied each other. And we make mistakes. That’s what it makes happy. We are not perfect. We are crazy. And it hits me hard. For all the years all I wanted is a perfect one but He gives me the crazy one. He gives me what he thinks is better for me. Then I asked myself, what if I am a part of a perfect family? Would it be a happy one? Or boring because it is so perfect?

          I may not have a complete family but I know this is the true meaning of it. I am not going to ask for more because I know this is the best that’s why He gave them to me. 

They are no calculator

Genre: Politics
Title: They are No Calculator

            We all know that a calculator is a mechanical device or a machine that operates an operation. We are using it because we have mathematical problems that needed a solution.
             In life, we forget that our government is not a machine. They are human just like you and me. They can feel hungry whenever they skipped their lunch. Disappointed when nothings right. Feel happy when they help others. Hurt when they hear upsetting comments about them. Sad when they see sufferings. And tired seeing our country’s still the same.
             Our government is doing their job to their countrymen to serve and give satisfaction. But then, you cannot always please others. As we all know, we are facing a lot of issues, troubles and circumstances. And the government always looks for answers. So, why do we need to question their integrity?

         They are just only human. All we can do is to help the government not just by ranting and giving negative remarks to them. Not just sitting and talking. We voted them because we trust them. We voted them because we believed on them. So why bother questioning them? In the first place we chose them, it is our free will. Instead of giving negative comments look on the positive side. Our government needs us too. Without us, our country will not be productive. Just like a calculator, it has an equal sign. Equal because they need us, and we need them. We should know how and when to stop. It is a give and take relationship.

          Our government officials are not a calculator. We vote them because we saw a potential to them.  We vote them because they are there to guide our country, not to spoil everyone. We must always keep in mind that nothing is easy because there s no such thing as easy. We always need to work hard for everything. And if they make mistakes, remember “NO ONE IS PERFECT” even you. So don’t judge so others won’t judge you.
           We cannot just click and click in a calculator because it has a limitation for solving the problem. If your problem is complicated then it will become a Syntax Error. It is like our problem, we cannot just throw our problem in our government because we cannot solve our own. You start it, you end it. Sometimes, we forget to click equal that’s why we cannot see the answers. And sometimes we are the problem that’s why we cannot solve our own problem.

           I am not saying this because I don’t have problem but I’m telling you this as an eye opener for everyone. I am not perfect too. I make mistakes. I have problems. But I know God will not give us the problems that he knows we cannot give solution. And I believe that someday, in the future, our country will not be the same. I can vision our country as a productive one. And I know with the help of Him we will succeed.