Linggo, Marso 8, 2015

It Spells C-O-L-O-R-S

Genre: Colors
Title: It Spells C-O-L-O-R-S

     “We are all equal in the fact that we are all different. We are all the same in the fact that we will never be the same. We are united by the reality that all colors and all cultures are distinct & individual. We are harmonious in the reality that we are all held to this earth by the same gravity. We don't share blood, but we share the air that keeps us alive. I will not blind myself and say that my black brother is not different from me. I will not blind myself and say that my brown sister is not different from me. But my black brother is he as much as I am me. But my brown sister is she as much as I am me.” 
                                                                                                                                        ― C. JoyBell C.
    We know that each color have meanings. It symbolizes something. It has a unique representation of beauty. Like, when our teacher told us, what represents dove, then we will say purity. Why? It is because of its color, white. And if our teacher asks us what represents the color red, then we will say war or love. It depends on the interpreter of the color. We will still say the same thing.

    When I was a kid, they used to give me couloring books which I like to do. For me, it gives life and harmony to the drawing because if I won’t put some colors it is so DULL. And no one will even take notice. I like bonding things because the drawing becomes livelier. For example, I’ll bond the color dark blue to sky blue, red to pink, or black to white. But in the end, it is good, very good, indeed.

   Some says: color can influence our emotions, our actions and how we respond to various people, things and ideas. Color can influence our emotions, our actions and how we respond to various people, things and ideas. Like, if we see two teenagers wearing red couple shirt, we might think that they are just couple and in love. Or if we see an old man wearing smiles on their lips, we can’t help but smile too. We will think they are like sunshine in the morning.

   What I am trying to say here is that we are DIFFERENT. We are unique in our own way. We have different culture or beliefs in life. We can be black, brown, or mestiza, still if we combined together we will be synchronized. We have different colors. And these colors are needed the most by those people who are dull. I, too, needed it. But these people around me provided these colors.

   Think about it, how many kind of people from around the world are here in the Philippines? Some are from America, England, Africa. You see, we are all different. But we have these connections. Connections that bond us together to live a happy life, to live a colorful one.


Linggo, Marso 1, 2015

It's Not Love, It's DOVE

Genre: Crush
Title: It’s not Love, it’s DOVE

    We have different definitions of the word CRUSH when someone asks us what’s the meaning of it. But if we heard it, we will smile, blush, or maybe shout and scream.
    Based on the definition of Google, Crush is Candy Crush. Just kidding. It says that, it is a strong feeling of romantic love for someone that is usually not expressed and does not last a long time. We have different interpretation of how we react to such things. How girls and boys react, when they found out about their feelings?
·         First they will examine their feelings.
·         They will always go to school very early.
·         If they found out the favorites of their crush, it will became their favorites.
·         They’ll put powder first before entering the classroom or they will put cologne then they’ll make sure he/she will pass by in front or besides their crush. It depends.
·         If their crush is his/her classmate, then he/she will always do his assignments.
·         Then, there’s the glancing thing.
·         If their crushes were talking in front, they will intently listen.
·         They wishes to sit next to his/her crush. .
·         If not, they will wish that they were on the same group.
·         After that, they’ll do the exchange numbers.
·         And then the magic begins.
    I was in first grade when I felt and experienced this childish thing. I thought and I dreamed that someday he will be my husband. You know child imagination. I really did these things, except the exchanging numbers. There was a time I remembered when I was in grade school; my crush was staring at me. Oh gosh, my heart was beating fast and I can’t control it. Then, he was walking straight at me and take note still looking at me. That time, that moment, I thought I was the most beautiful girl and the luckiest girl ever. Unfortunately, I was just dreaming. Like DUH? He was not really looking at me; instead he was looking at my best friend. And that sucks. I know I’m not bitter or something. I just can’t believe it or I just don’t want to believe it. But I moved on. In fact, there was a time when I checked his facebook account and just laugh HARD. I mean, I can’t believe that I had a crush on him. It is just outrageous. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I found out that HE IS NOT MY TYPE. So, I still think that I’m the most beautiful girl and the luckiest one.
     What I’m trying to say is in capital WAIT FOR THE RIGHT TIME. What you feel now is just a simple crush. A simple admiration for someone you think you can give your whole life. It’s not love, it’s DOVE. I mean you just admired his/her physical appearance. We will know who and which is the right guy for us, we just need to wait for the perfect time.


Clash of Clans

Genre: Online Games
Title: Clash of Clans

     People are easy to engage on the online games which are very trendy. It is a game where everyone can play a game by the use of internet.  
     Online Games are very “IN” mostly for the teenagers. They are using this to engross themselves.
      Clash of Clans is an online multiplayer game in which players build a community, train troops, and attack other players to earn gold and elixir, which can be used to build defenses that protect the player from other players' attacks, and to train and upgrade troops. The game also features a pseudo-single player campaign in which the player must attack a series of fortified goblin villages. This game has good and bad effects for students like us.
      Good effects:
·         It gives challenge to your boring life.
·         You will enjoy definitely.
·         You can test your ability and will work your strategies.
·         You will know how to plan.
·         You can make friends who you have in common.
If it has good effects then it also has negative effects, those are:
·         It reduces your quality time to your family and friends.
·         You forgot to do your responsibilities in school and in your house.
·         You forget to bless because after school you have all eyes on your phone or computer.
·         You don’t want to go outside.
·         Because of this, you cannot do your homework/assignments, and your project.
·         You are not talking to anyone because you don’t want to be disturbed.
·         If someone disturbs you, you’ll get angry or get mad.
·         You skipped to eat your food.
·         You are skipping your personal beautification.
·         You’ll have bag eyes, and that would be the worst thing. For me, it’s nightmare.
       As you can see, I have listed numerous bad effects rather than good effects. Why? It is to inform us that it is okay to play games like Clash of Clans but make sure; you still have time for yourself, for your family, for your friends, to your academic and to your health. It is not a sin to enjoy things just make sure we do it for a good cause.
      To tell you frankly, I am one of those people who were “ADDICTED” to this type of games. I already know the consequences of my act but still I continue doing it. I know I am not ignorant. I just can’t help it. If you were me, I know you’d still do the same. BUT if we are old enough to stop it and change it before it is too late, change your life style. We cannot just sit all day. We cannot just do petty things and waste life. We are not created for that. We are beyond that.
     Remember life is too short. We cannot take back the past events that we missed. We cannot return time. We just need to stand up and MAKE A CHANGE. Being happy is not a SIN, but make sure we are happy because we deserves to be.